Insights into the two single cases of the silent cause of death in dogs, the carcinogenic nematode

Document Type : Case Report


1 Dental Basic Sciences Department, College of Dentistry, University of Duhok, Iraq.

2 Pathology and Microbiology Department, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Duhok, Iraq.


The factor that contributes to the development of oesophagal nodular granuloma in canin is the carcinogenic dog nematode known as Spirocerca lupi. This nodular forming nematode can have broader epidemiology because of the widespread availability of its biological host (the beetle) as well as certain environmental factors. Because of the similarities in the morphology of the eggs, the study coprology of depends on the presence of rhabditiform larvae in most nematodes and the features of those larvae. In contrast, the physical appearance of the eggs in the presence of carcinogenic nematodes is conclusive for diagnosis. Flotation and sedimentation techniques may detect this in a faecal examination in order to detect gastrointestinal parasites. These two single cases in the Amedi, Kurdistan Region were the first reports of confirmed cases of the silent killer cause of death in dogs. The parasite's eggs in the samples of the dog's faeces need to be confirmed through molecular and specific gene amplification.


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